Getting Russia Visa In Costa Rica

Russia is a dream destination for a person who loves to travel. If you have plans of traveling to Russia from Costa Rica, you will need to follow a certain procedure to apply for your Russian visa. To start your visa application process, you will first need to obtain the visa support document.

The receiving side issues Russian Visa support, and without this primary document, the Russian consulate will not consider your visa application. Besides having the visa support, you must have a completed application form and the amount to pay as the consulate fee.


How To Get A Russian Visa Invitation In Costa Rica?

Being a citizen of Costa Rica, you can easily get a visa invitation without any hassle.

  • Are you planning to be a tourist in Russia? Simply plan your journey with a travel agency, and it will arrange all the necessary documents for you.
  • If you have relatives living in Russia, all the better. You can contact them to send you the visa invitation letter through email.
  • If it’s a business trip, your hosting company will gladly provide you with the visa invitation.
  • If none of these options fit your needs, contact us at Your Rus to easily get the visa invitation letter along with all other vital documents necessary to get a Russia visa.

When you have the Russian visa invitation, all there is left to do is reserve a hotel in Russia and visit the Russian Consulate in Costa Rica to apply for your Russian visa.

Getting Russia Visa In Costa Rica

Contact Details of Russian consulates in Costa Rica

The Russian Federation Embassy in San José


Address: Embajada de la Federacion de Rusia, Apartado postal 6340-1000, Barrio Escalante, 100 mts. al Norte y 150 mts. al Este de la Iglesia Santa Teresita, San José, Costa Rica


Tel.: (8-10-506) 2256-91-81
