الفيزا الروسية للسوريين في كل من السعودية والإمارات

Visa to Russia for Syrians – Receive a Russian visa for a Syrian citizen

Visa to Russia for Syrians

The authorities in Russia have reopened travel for Syrian citizens, and obtaining a visa to Russia for Syrians, after it was closed for years, as they can now book flights and travel after they obtain the required documents easily.

And in a statement, which Your Rus obtained on a copy, this afternoon the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the following:

Dear Friends, Good afternoon!
We are pleased to announce the resumption of accepting documents to invite businessmen to the citizens of Syria.

Receive the Russian visa for the Syrian citizen

Any Syrian citizen can now receive the Russian visa on his passport, book any flight, and leave for Russia in a short time, with the required documents being extracted.

With our site, Your Ross, you can get an invitation for a Russian visa, including a visa on the passport:

To apply for the invitation for a visa to Russia, press the following button:

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