Виза в Россию для иностранцев

Visa to Russia for foreigners

Visa to Russia for a foreigner

Many people of foreign countries think about a trip to the Russian Federation, but not so simple. If you are a citizen of another country, you will need a visa to enter Russia. Only citizens with whom Russia has signed a bilateral agreement can cross the border without this special permission to enter.

To do this, they need to draw up a number of specific documents, which means they need to get a visa. A visa to Russia for a foreigner is issued depending on the main purpose of the trip of this citizen. It can be: a guest visa, a business visa, a work visa, a student visa, a tourist visa, a transit visa.

It is worth considering all types of visas separately. For example, a work visa is issued on the basis of a work invitation and allows an unlimited period of stay. By name, it is clear that such a visa is required for foreign citizens who are going to work in the Russian Federation.

A study visa was created for foreign students who were invited to study in Russia with the help of educational institutions. The advantage of such a visa lies in the fact that if suddenly a foreigner is offered any job, then provided that he has permission, a citizen of another country can not only study, but also work in Russia.

Tourist visa

A tourist visa is issued in the case when foreigners wish to visit the country for tourist purposes. On a tourist visa, a foreign citizen can stay in the Russian Federation for no more than 30 days.

A business visa is issued through two main government agencies: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Migration Service.

With a guest (private) visa, everything is quite simple. Such a visa is issued at the request of a Russian citizen, who submits a package of documents at his office of the Federal Migration Service. The duration of such a visa is limited to 90 days.

The shortest stay in Russia is a transit visa, which is issued after the provision of certain documents at the consulate. Such a visa is needed for people who are going to use our country for transit purposes. It is possible to stay in the Russian Federation with such a visa no more than 72 hours and the extension of such a visa is impossible.

In the end, I want to give some advice to those who are going to draw up this document for themselves. Your actions for obtaining a visa to Russia to a foreigner will look like this: Determining with the category of visa you are going to get, find the company that will deal with your invitation and fill out the application, then you will need to receive the original invitation and collect a package of documents that you must You will be redirected to the Consulate of the Russian Federation. After all these operations, you just have to wait for an answer.


Visa invitation to Russia for foreigners

An invitation to the territory of the Russian Federation is issued on the basis of documents issued for foreign citizens. Registration of a visa for foreigners may vary according to the purpose of their trip, the length of stay in Russia. Not only citizens of the Russian Federation can send an invitation, but also citizens registered in Russia.

The party that invites will be responsible for compliance with the rules of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. To draw up the necessary documents, you will need:

– application for invitation to enter Russia (in several copies);

– a document proving your identity;

– copies of documents proving the identity of the invited foreign citizen;

– a letter in which the inviting party assumes the obligation to ensure the invited citizen

– information on income, to ensure the provision of a foreign citizen in the medical, housing and material issues.

Documents are submitted

Documents are submitted and considered in the territorial bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. An application for an invitation to a foreign citizen is submitted: through a legal representative, in person or through a portal of public services in electronic form. If you submit your documents online, then after you are notified of the decision of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you will be required to submit the original documents when addressing the issue of migration. This procedure usually takes no more than 20 business days.

If we talk about cases in which the application for issuing an invitation to a foreign citizen is not considered, then this is possible:

– violation of any requirements of the application;

– expiration of the identity document inviting parties;

– inconsistency of information, data specified by the invited party;

– expiration of the identity card of the invited, foreign citizen;

– the submitted documents contain corrections, crossed out words, postscripts.


All responsibility for the correctness of the data, the correct translation of the name of the alien’s name rests with the invited party. An invitation issued to a foreign citizen will be valid for the period specified in it. Extension of this period is not allowed. If you need to find out if your invitation is valid, then this can be done on the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Documents for a visa to Russia

As we found out, in order to obtain a Russian visa, a foreign citizen must contact the embassy of the Russian Federation in his country and submit a certain package of documents for consideration. The list of basic documents for obtaining a visa includes:

It can be a tourist or business invitation. To submit your documents, you only need copies of invitations, although in some cases the original may be required from you. A business invitation is issued either through the Department of the Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, or through the Federal Migration Service, again at the request.

Also, a foreign citizen will have to fill out a visa application form electronically. Further, of course, you will need to present the original of your foreign passport. Do not forget about color photographs measuring 3.5 * 4.5. It should be made on a light background with your clear image of the face. In addition to all the documents listed, a medical policy is required that will comply with all the requirements of the Regulation on Health Insurance for foreigners. The last document in our folder will be the receipt of payment of the consular fee.

It is worth knowing that when submitting documents, you can be called for an interview, or, for example, a consulate employee who received documents from you will want to make sure of any information. A citizen of another state should be notified and instructed with various factors.

When applying for a visa, a foreign citizen is obliged to understand the responsibility on him for non-compliance with the purpose of the trip. If the Consulate of the Russian Federation refused to issue it and it turned out that this was due to the fault of a foreign citizen, for example, if the requested visa did not coincide with the real purpose of the visit, then the day for all previously paid documents will not be returned.

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