Ufa Russia

Ufa city in Russia

Ufa city in Russia

In Ufa, preparations are under way for the main holiday of the planet! New Year’s fuss begins. The streets have changed, garlands are hanging all around, lanterns are burning. Build ice towns and slides. On the squares establish Christmas trees. Shopping and entertainment centers have already dressed up and are waiting for their visitors to shop. Despite not a lot of snow, residents still hope that in the coming days there will be a beautiful snowfall! After all, what new year without snow? Ufa every year surprises, new skating rinks are opening, the beautiful Christmas trees are being installed where they have never been installed. For example, on Soviet Square, the Christmas tree has not been installed for 8 years, and on the eve of 2020 it will be installed again!

Happy dear residents of Ufa.


Description of Ufa photos:

Ferris Wheel - Ufa
(photos) The ferris wheel at the Iremel shopping center has already acquired New Year’s colors! From a height you can see our beautiful city.


Prospect of October - Ufa

Prospect of October - Ufa
Night Avenue of October – the main street of Ufa has changed for the new year.


Ice town at the Ufa Department Store
Ice town at the Ufa Department Store. Decorate the Christmas tree at full speed, yesterday it was +2, the ice slightly melted.


SEC Family - Ufa
SEC Family. At the shopping center, a Christmas tree bazaar developed and the artificial beauty Fir was established.


Shopping center Mir is ready to celebrate - Ufa

Shopping center Mir is ready to celebrate
Ufa: Shopping center The world is ready to celebrate. A Christmas tree flaunts at the main entrance, at night near the World everything is light from garlands and lanterns.


flooded Katok - Ufa
For the first time, Decatlon’s frontier was flooded with an ice rink and a Fireworks stall was opened.


New Year tree - Ufa

Christmas shop

MEGE New Year's fairy tale
Ufa: On MEGA New Year’s fairy tale, they are completing an ice town, various forest animals made of garlands, as well as Christmas tree decorations have already been hung up at the shopping and entertainment complex.


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