St Petersburg Russia

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is beautiful at any time of the year. Of course, the St. Petersburg is famous for summer white nights, when “one dawn hurries to change another, to give half an hour to night”
But even in winter it is beautiful and interesting. On clear days, the sun wanders along the horizon, and dawn turns into sunset.


St. Petersburg the capital of the Russian Empire

St. Petersburg is the capital of the Russian Empire. He is now the same as 100-200 years ago. It is easy to imagine yourself in that palace era, visiting the mansions of the nobility, going to a concert at the Mariinsky Theater or going shopping at the Kuptsov Eliseevs’ shop.

In St. Petersburg, imperial luxurious temples: the bright Savior on Blood, similar to the Faberge egg, the Kazan Cathedral with its colonnade and the majestic St. Isaac’s Cathedral. The latter was built for forty years, perhaps because the architect Auguste Montferrand was predicted that he would die when the construction was completed.

St. Petersburg the cultural capital

St. Petersburg is not in vain called the “cultural capital”. There are so many museums. The most famous and must-see is the Hermitage. After all, this is the second largest art museum in the world. The Russian Museum is a wonderful collection of works by Russian artists. It is worth to come here at least for the sake of Aivazovsky.

You can walk around St. Petersburg for a very long time and a lot on the bustling Nevsky, granite embankment or the Summer Garden.

St. Petersburg has many secrets and legends. Does the Bronze Horseman revive at night? Is Rasputin’s shadow walking around Gorokhovaya? And does the ghost of Paul I manage in the Engineering Castle? No one knows for sure, but rumors of strange and mystical incidents are circulating in the city.

City from Above

Excursions on the roofs are very popular in St. Petersburg, although they are not very legal. View the city from a height by climbing the colonnade of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, and also in the city there are many restaurants with panoramic views.

Modern St. Petersburg

Despite its historicity, St. Petersburg has many modern spaces. Such as the Erarta Museum of Modern Art, the loft project Floors, the island of New Holland or Sevcable port. And if you get out of the subway at Novokrestovskaya station, then you may not understand at all that this is still the same city. You suddenly find yourself at sea with screaming seagulls. Here you can stroll along the beach of the 300th anniversary park and admire the skyscraper of the Lakhta Center, which is popularly called “corn”

St. Petersburg is imperial and modern, pompous and romantic, measured and noisy at the same time. This is a very beautiful city that you can visit an infinite number of times, and always want to return.


Description of photos:

Neva - Petersburg coast
St. Petersburg: Such a fragile Neva turns into a mighty ice block in winter


Christmas - St. Petersburg
The lights of the festive city warm with their warmth.



Singer House - St. Petersburg
It’s nice sometimes to take tea with cake in the Singer’s house and read your favorite works of authors who were inspired by St. Petersburg.


St. Petersburg
How many secrets the northern capital holds in itself, no one knows. And every walk in your favorite city can tell more and more new stories


the arches of the Winter Palace
St. Petersburg: Sometimes, passing under the arches of the Winter Palace, you can imagine that you returned to the XIX century and somewhere cavalry rushes along the promenade


Atlantean Heroes - St. Petersburg
The strength and power of Atlantean heroes amazes, they keep on their shoulders the history of the city


Sunset - St. Petersburg
The very moment when in the eyes of any resident and visitor of the city happiness is sunset. The whole city is plunged as if into golden dust. There are no other sunsets.


New Year tree - St. Petersburg
On the eve of the holidays, each yard is decorated with a New Year tree. They give a wonderful mood and happiness to all residents of the city.


Palace Square
St. Petersburg: The most important Christmas tree of the city is installed on Palace Square. Here is a wonderful festive atmosphere here. Along the way, you can buy mulled wine or hot tea and have a great time


festive guise
The city in festive guise looks even more pompous. All these lights and garlands, red balls and holiday trees add incredible charm.



The center lights up with festive flowers
St. Petersburg: The center lights up with festive colors immediately when the sun sets over the horizon. And then the New Year mood does not leave you until the end of the walk


How big candles the palaces light up
Like big candles, palaces, cathedrals and streets light up. I want to enjoy every highlight


history and contemporary art coexist nearby
New installations harmoniously look against the background of magnificent buildings. Thus, history and contemporary art are side by side


Bright city lights
The bright lights of the city attract tourists and residents. You will see more and more people in the dark, as the city is transforming


St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg: Each of us can become part of this holiday. We have the opportunity to walk and enjoy beautiful evenings, wrapped in a warm scarf


small streets - St. Petersburg
When you want to retire and be in yourself, you can just turn away from the main streets and take a walk along the parallel avenues and small streets – it is always just as beautiful and cozy there


background of the evening city
If you do not know what gift to give for the New Year – take tickets to St. Petersburg. If you are already here – give yourself a walk in the evening city


souvenirs - St. Petersburg
Walking around the evening city, be sure to look for yourself souvenirs and take beautiful photographs against the background of the evening city


Polite Petersburg - St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg: Polite Petersburg will help to find harmony and inner happiness. Allow yourself to be imbued with its dispensation and absorb it into yourself


You can also see our old article about St. Petersburg


To visit Russia and see this great city, you can request: Visa invitation – from our website YourRus





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